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Doddridge County Veterans

Who Died in WW II

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. " John F. Kennedy

Click the veteran's name to view his profile on Doddridge County Roots.

Pfc, US Army   

Pvt,  Army Air Corps   

Pfc, US Army 

Sgt, Army Air Corps  

Pfc, US Army  

Sgt, US Army   

Pfc, US Army 

Pvt, US Army    

Pfc, US Army   

Sgt, US Army     

Ensign, USNR    

Pfc, US Army     

FC3C, US Navy     

Pvt, US Army      

Merchant Marine    

Pvt, US Army   

US Army Air Forces     

Pfc, US Army  

T/Sgt, Army Air Corps  

Pfc, US Army    

Cpl T5, US Army 

Pfc, US Army  

Pfc, US Army 

Cpt, Army Air Force 

Pfc, US Army

SSgt, Army Air Force 

Pfc, USMC 

1LT, US Army 

Pfc, US Army 

Pvt, US Army 

S1C, US Navy 

ACMM, US Navy 

SSgt, US Army  

Pfc, US Army

S2, US Navy Reserves 

Merchant Marine

Tec4, US Army  

SSgt, US Army  

Pvt, US Army  

1LT, Army Air Force  

Pfc, US Army 

Sgt, US Army 

2LT, Army Air Corps 

T/Sgt, US Army 

Pfc, USMC  

Pfc, US Army 

Pfc, US Army 

Pfc, US Army

Pfc, US Army   

Cpl, US Army  

F1C, US Navy

Pfc, Army Air Corps  

Pfc, US Army 

Pfc, US Army

Drowned while on duty, California 1943

Killed in train accident, Luzon, Philippines 1945

KIA, Luzon, Philippines 1945

MIA, Europe 1944

KIA, France 1944

KIA, Italy 1943

KIA, France 1944

KIA, Italy 1944

KIA, Italy 1944

KIA, Germany 1945

MIA, North Africa; declared dead 1944

KIA, Europe 1944

KIA, Okinawa 1945

KIA, France 1944

Shipwrecked; killed in motorcycle accident 1945

Died of wounds, Battle of the Bulge 1945

Died of illness in England 1944

Died in Wales of wounds in Germany 1945

MIA/KIA, Europe 1943

KIA, Germany 1944

KIA, France 1944

KIA, France 1944

KIA, Germany 1945

Killed in training accident, California 1944

KIA, Italy 1944

KIA over France 1944

KIA, Okinawa 1945

KIA, Germany 1945

KIA, D-Day 1944

Died of illness in training 1941

MIA/KIA, Savo Island, South Pacific 1943

Killed in auto accident, California 1943

KIA, Europe 1945

KIA, Southwest Pacific 1944

Accidental drowning (non-battle), Philippines 1946

Killed by German torpedo, Gulf of Mexico 1942

KIA, France 1945

KIA, France 1945

KIA, France 1945

MIA, Pacific 1945

KIA, Battle of the Bulge 1944

KIA, France 1944

Killed when his bomber crashed in Tennessee 1943

Died of heart attack 1945

KIA, Peleliu Island 1944

KIA, Battle of the Bulge 1945

KIA, France 1944

KIA, France 1944

Killed in jeep wreck in England (non-battle) 1944

Drowned  / KIA, near Okinawa 1943

Killed in jeep accident on Saipan (non-battle) 1945

KIA, France 1945

KIA 1944


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