Library of Virginia - Land Office Grants
This digital collection consists of recorded copies of grants issued for land from the establishment of the Land Office in 1779 through the present. (Grants issued after 1993 are not at present part of the online collection but are on microfilm.) Following a statement regarding the basis on which the grant was made is the name of the grantee, a description of the land granted, and the date on which the grant was signed. After 1779 the surveys were also recorded in the Land Office. These documents have been microfilmed but are not part of this online collection.
To use this online database select "Images & Indexes", then enter the person's name in the "Search For" field. Select "Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants" and click submit. This will bring up a list of any land grant listed in that person's name. If you cannot find the land grant you are looking for, try variations of the name.
The following are few of the land grants that can be found in the database:

1786 grant for Stephen West, 700 acres on the lower side of Middle Island Creek
1793 grant for Isaac Israel, 400 acres on the waters of Middle Island Creek, known by the name of the Buckeye Bottom
1793 grant for John Duvall, 500 acres on the waters of Middle Island Creek adjoining below John P. Duvall's resident right
1795 grant for Henry Lee, 4000 acres on the waters of Cove Creek
1796 grant for Barnes Allen, 400 acres including his Settlement began thereon in 1772 on the Three forks of McElroy Fork
1807 grant for George Maxson and Benjamin Wilson, 47 acres on the head of the Greenbrier Fork of Middle Island Creek
1810 grant for Nathan Davis, 132 acres on both sides of Middle Island Creek
1817 grant for John Jarvis, 58 acres on the north easterly side of the Meat House Fork of Middle Island Creek
1819 grant for Jonathan Howell, 75 acres on Middle Island Creek, opposite to the mouth of Piggin Run
1820 grant for James Archbold, 39 acres on the westerly side of the Meat House Fork of Middle Island Creek